Sweet 16 Info sheet

Please provide information below. Fields that do not apply just enter N/A.

  • Contact person name
  • Please provide email
  • Location of party
  • room(s) event will be held
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Date of event
  • Please provide event start to end time
  • name of parent(s)
  • name of other listed (if applicable)
  • name of parent(s)
  • name of other listed (if applicable)
  • name of sibling
  • name of sibling
  • name of sibling
  • Sweet 16 name
  • Song to walk into room (if applicable)
  • Dance with Parent/special guest
  • Song TitleArtistPerson(s) dedicated to 
    Candle lighting songs and dedications (click+ at end to add another row)
  • Special Instructions, Songs to be played, Special announcements, Misc etc.