Top 20 Songs

The following list contains the top 20 requested songs over the past year. It represents song requests from thousands of events ranging from Weddings to Birthday parties and is dynamically created by Gigbuilder, the most popular web-based event management system in the world.
RankSong TitleSong ArtistYearGenre
1Cupid ShuffleCupid2007Popular
2Don't Stop Believin'Journey1981Rock
3Cha-Cha SlideMr. C The Slide Man2000Popular
4Sweet Caroline (Good Times Never Seemed So Good)Neil Diamond1969Oldies
5I Gotta FeelingBlack Eyed Peas2009Popular
6HappyPharrell Williams2014Popular
7Uptown Funk!Mark Ronson Featuring Bruno Mars2014Popular
9ShoutOtis Day And The Knights/Isley Brothers1967Oldies
10All Of MeJohn Legend2013Popular
11Brown Eyed GirlVan Morrison1967Oldies
12You Shook Me All Night LongAC/DC1980Rock
13Party Rock AnthemLMFAO2010Popular
14Love ShackB-52's1989Popular
15Blurred LinesRobin Thicke Featuring T.I. & Pharrell2013Popular
16Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)Beyonce2008Popular
17Electric SlideMarcia Griffiths1990Popular
18Friends In Low PlacesGarth Brooks1990Country
19I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)Whitney Houston1987Popular
20Shut Up And DanceWalk The Moon2014Popular